America Europe Friendship Association

Amicitia Fortior
Stronger by Friendship

 Vision & Mission image
Welcome  to the America Europe Friendship Association (AEFA). We are a non-profit, non political organization bridging the gap between the Americas and Europe.
Our mission is to promote cultural understanding, collaboration and friendship between North Americans and Europeans!
Join us fostering cross-cultural connections and celebrating the richness of our shared heritage!
Together, we can build a stronger, more connected trans-Atlantic community!
Amiticia Fortior: Stronger by Friendship 

Our Vision:
Stronger by Friendship - Amicitia Fortior, which is also our motto. Bonding and buildings friendship ties based  on Loyalty, Respect, Mutual Trust and Support.
Friendship is THE cement that keeps the World together and a stepping stone to lasting relationships and Alliances.

Our Mission:
To promote, build, strengthen and maintain strong friendship ties between America and European citizens, especially those working and/or living in and around the EUR region.

The America Europe Friendship Association -AEFA founded in 2017 and registered in Limburg ( KvK nr 71399364) as an independent, non political and non profit trans-Atlantic network of friends.
We have currently over 700 international members.

AEFA data is kept in accordance with EU Privacy Regulation (GDPR).

Lifetime Membership, please see Page “ Activities” for online registratie. 
Strategic Objectives image
Our Objectives:

  • Promote, stimulate, build and strengthen the cross border Social, Cultural and Friendly ties between the citizens of America, Europe and the Netherlands, in particularly EUR Region;
  • Promote, stimulate and build Friendly, Mutual Relations and Cooperation with like minded Organizations, Institutions and Networks that have related objectives;
  • To promote a better understanding of and appreciation for the core activities of Alliancies and International organizations such as the United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU) concerning Security, Stability, Freedom, Democracy and Peace, 
  •  Working towards lasting Honoring and Commemorating Allied fallen, Allied Veterans and Victims in a dignified and respectful manner (Lest We NEVER Forget);
  • To Serve as a Platform: sharing information & experiences, Interrelationships, Activities, Gatherings and Informative Briefings to promote and to strengthen Mutual Understanding, Simularities, Cooperation, Comradery and Friendship.
Activities image
Key Activities to build, establish & strengthening friendship ties

The "America Europe Friendship Association - AEFA organizes :
1. “get2gether” events, such as family boattrips, family excursions, visits to the grotto’s, epic castles, Butler Academy ;

2.  informative briefings events:
such as the planned Briefing event “NATO Future Challenges” at Townhall Margraten on November 22nd 2024;

3. Biannual Allied Memorial Dinner event at the Pastory on May 25th 2025; 

4. Annual X-Mas event, such as the Ugly XMas Sweater event on December 15, 2024 at Castle Terborgh;

5 . To participate in 15 commemoration ceremonies, such Memorial Day, Liberation Thorn, Poppy Day etc
If interested to join our AEFA delegation and/or present a wreath, please send a PM to Vice President Operations Mr Carolus de Rijck

For further information about our events: see next page Events Calendar!

AEFA offers you access to a privileged AEFA Facebook Page/Website, which keeps you daily informed about new members joining, events, commemoration ceremonies, visits etc. The FB page also includes a gallery of pics!

Interested in joining an interesting, fun and international organization?
Membership costs are limited to €25 per person. Paid once. Dependant children are included in adult membership.
AEFA Bank Account:
BIC code: INGB NL 2
 IBAN number NL48 INGB 0008 1990 51 
There is no annual membership fee . All activities are voluntary and are charged at cost price.
Please complete one registration form per person! So for example a couple : complete two registration forms.

To JOIN use link ( below)
If you need assistance or help please contact mrs Monique Zenden, Vice President Membership.

Link Registration ;AEFA Registration 

Amicitia Fortior - Stronger by Friendship

  • Beek, Limburg, Netherlands
  • 6191 EE 105

Please send us a message if you wish to receive further information or clarification. To join see page : Activities and click on link : registration form.

  Events Calendar image
Members & Friends  will timely receive an email invite with relevant details. 
You are kindly requested to respond on the invite by sending a regret or an acceptance. Please transfer the participation costs to AEFA Account:
BIC code : INGB NL 2
 IBAN number: NL48 INGB 0008 1990 51 with reference your Name and Total number of participants.
Your payment secures your place and is proof of participation. 
In case you paid but the event is fully booked your payment will be refunded!

Check also on our FB page the annoucement of the events re:details and participation.

 If interested to join the AEFA Delegation to attend Commemoration Ceremonies and/ or laying wreaths please send a PM  or use above online link ( bottom page Activities) 

EVENTS Calendar 2024 
Januar 2, 2024 :
AEFA invited for Governor’s New Year Reception; 

January 3, 2024: 
 AEFA invited for Year Reception Eysden-Margraten. 

January 8,2024: 
AEFA invited for New Year Reception Brunssum.

January 18, 2024: 
AEFA invited by DCOS OPS for US Delegation New Year Reception at La Caverne, Valkenburg.

January 19, 2024: 
AEFA invited by Ambassador Novello to attend OSI award ceremony  at Thermenmuseum, Heerlen 

January 26, 2024:
President invited by Ambassador Sandhu to represent AEFA at the 75th Anniversary of Republic Day of India, Kasteel de Wittenburg, Wassenaar.

 February 4, 2024: 
AEFA invited by EPPD to attend Commemoration Polish Memorial Kapelse Veer. 

March 1, 2024: 
Invited for Office Call by Lieutenant General Janusz ADAMCZAK , Director General International Military Staff at NATO HQ, Brussels.

 March 2, 2024: Fully Booked!
AEFA visit & tour of the worldfamous The International Butler Academy -TIBA, Simpelveld. 

March 20,2024: 
AEFA invited for the National Day Aruba at Kasteel de Wittenburg, Wassenaar.

April 7, 2024: 
AEFA invited for 25 Anniversary Ceremony of Bishop Mgr Everard de Jong, at Roermond

April 13, 2024: 
AEFA guided tour to  WW2 Museum in Overloon, which is the largest in the Netherlands. Afterwards a meet & greet at the Pannenkoekenhuis.

April 19, 2024: 
AEFA invited at the Annual  Reunion Multinational Force and Observers   Oranjekaserne, Arnhem. 

April 25, 2024: 
AEFA invited at the JFCBS Kingsday, Auberge de Rousch.

May 4th, 2024:
 AEFA together US Delegation  invited to attend the Commemoration Ceremony of 8 US Airmen at US Cemetery Opijnen. 

May 17, 2024:
 AEFA invited for Retirementceremony of CDR Amy McElroy, US Coast Guard.

May 18, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend 80 years Commemoration US Memorial Wereth, Belgium. 

May 24, 2024:
 AEFA invited for “Dag Der Banieren” Luitenant-generaal Best Kaserne.

May 25, 2024: 
AEFA invited to present wreath at Court of Honor, American Cemetery Margraten

May 26, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend 80 years Commemoration US Margraten Memorial and reception Town Hall.

June 15, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend Limburg Veteransday Commemoration, Roermond

 June 21, 2024: 
AEFA Change of Command Ceremony FCC and COM NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force. 

June 25, 2024: 
AEFA invited for reception at Residence of Ambassador Novello.

June 26, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend Independence Day Reception at US Embassy, Wassenaar. 

June 29, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend Memorial Crashed WW2 crew at Castle Schaloen, Valkenburg.

July 6, 2024:
AEFA invited to speak at funeral of SMsgt ( ret) Tom Akerboom at 3.30 pm, Schiefferheide, Kerkrade.

July 13, 2024:
 AEFA invited to present wreath at the Veteransday Kerkrade.

July 21, 2024 (Fully booked):
 Blacktie/evening dress dinner event at the Worldfamous International Butler Academy at Simpelveld limited to 30 persons. only Invites to participants of TIBA tour on March 2, 2024.

July 25, 2024:
 AEFA invited to attend 97th Anniversary Reception of the People Liberation Army, the Hague

August 17, 2024 (Fully Booked!)
 Family AEFA event : Meet Mayor Maastricht at Historical TownHall, Historical Boat trip around Maastricht and guided tour of Maastricht City Bosch Brewery including beer tasting.

September 1, 2024: AEFA invited to
attend the ceremony of Unveiling monument 1Lt Cave at Aalbeek

September 3rd, 2024: Officecall COM NAEW&CF MG Korb

September 7, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend National Indië Monument Commemoration, Roermond.

September 12, 2024:
AEFA invited to attend the start ceremony of  national celebration of 80 years of freedom at Mesch.

September 14, 2024:
AEFA invited to attend Commemoration Ceremony “Old Hickory” at Maastricht 

September 19, 2024: 
AEFA invited to attend 80 anniversary ceremony Liberation Thorn.

September 21, 2024:
AEFA invited to attend unveiling Monument in Born & Schipperskerk.

Oktober 13, 2024:
AEFA invited to participate in Unveiling ceremony of Monument Venlo.Oktober

18 October 2024:
 AEFA invited for “70 jaar van het Statuut Koninkrijk der Nederlanden”, Den Haag

November 22, 2024:
80 years Liberation
Joint Municipality Eijsden-Margraten & AEFA Informative Briefing Event “ Current & Future Challenges for NATO”
 such as imminent threat to security for the Allies in the Euro-Atlantic Region . Briefing takes place at Town Hall Eijsden- Margraten.

December 15, 2024:
AEFA Family Ugly X-Mas Sweater Event Edition 2 with Santa Claus and live Music “ Susanne” at Castle Terborgh.

 EVENTS Calendar 2023

January 2, 2023:
AEFA invited for Governor’s  New Year Reception at Maastricht;

January 12th, 2023:
AEFA invited for the US Delegation New Year Ball at LaCaverne, Berg & Terblijt;

February 26, 2023: Sold Out
AEFA Family Historical Excursion Valkenburg Castle and Velvet grottos. 
Ticket price €16 pp.
Meet & Greet  at “Tash Rooftop Bar”, Valkenburg. Live music by Gabe Kruse.

March 23, 2023: Sold Out 
AEFA “Meet Governor Roemer” and a guided tour of the “Gournement” home of the Governor and Limburg Parliament;
Ticket price €5 pp.
Meet & Greet at Café Zuid.

April 26, 2023:
AEFA invited for the NATO JFC Kingsday at Auberge de Rousch

May 13, 2023: 
AEFA invited for the Commemoration 79th Anniversary US Memorial Wereth, Belgium. Wreathlaying by CPT (ret) Jos Dekker and CWO (ret) Etienne Goyens.

May 26, 2023:
AEFA invited for “Dag der Banieren”
de Luitenant-generaal Bestkazerne, Ripseweg 1, 5816 AC Vredepeel.

May 27, 2023: Sold Out - 103  guests!
AEFA Allied Memorial Banquet Event from 4.30-9.30 PM at the “ De Pastory” , Cadier en Keer, Margraten in close collaboration with US Embassy, Ukraine Embassy, Aruba House, NATO, Choir New Generation,  “Mission Margraten Plus” and Municipality Eijsden-Margraten.
Invites are out! 
Ticketprice €50pp ( reception and 4 course dinner)

May 28, 2023:
AEFA invited for Margraten Memorial Commemoration Ceremony & After reception. Wreathlaying by Egid Schoonbrood.

June 2, 2023:
AEFA invited for Italian National Day Celebration by Italian Embassy at Louwman Museum, Wassenaar.

June 17, 2023:
AEFA invited for the Limburg Veterans Day, Commemoration Parc Roermond.

June 18, 2023: 
AEFA invited by Ambassador Novello for visit & reception of the Italian Navy Fregate Carlo Margottini in Harbour Rotterdam

June 28, 2023: 
AEFA invited for the Independence Day Party at the US Embassy, Wassenaar.

June 30,2023
President AEFA invited by COM JFCB for Office Call

July 1, 2023
AEFA Board drink and privileged tour of Castle Terborgh, Schinnen at 3 PM. 

July 5,2023 : 
AEFA meets EXPAT Centre Maastricht. 

August 19, 2023: 
Joint Commemoration ceremony AEFA and Wapenbroeders Ospel/Nederweert & Roermond at US Cemetery Henri Chapelle. Wreathlaying by Bianca Roolings.

August 25, 2023: 
AEFA President invited by Chief of Staff Allied Joint Force Command for Office Call.

August  26, 2023: Sold out- 72 guests!
AEFA Tour of the Former - Top Secret- Cold War NATO HQ  including a tasting of grotto beer, cheese and pie at the former NCO Mess” Mushroom Bar”, Cannerberg, Maastricht  from 3-6 PM. Ticket price €15 pp.

September 2, 2023: 
President AEFA invited to attend the Commemoration of the “Nationaal Indië Monument” , Roermond!

September 12, 2023: 
AEFA invited to attend Liberation ceremony of Mesch!

September 16, 2023:
 AEFA invited to attend “Internationale Veteranendag Brunssum”

September 17, 2023:
AEFA invited for Memorial  Walk Wijnansrade!

September 21, 2023:
AEFA  invited for Commemoration Ceremony Liberation Thorn. Wreatlaying by COL US Army J. Auten

 Oktober 8, 2023:
 AEFA invited for Commemoration Ceremony Roermond for the Allied British, Canadian and Dutch fallen liberating Roermond.

Oktober 17, 2023: Sold Out - 50 guests
AEFA “AWACS Briefings and Tour” event. 
Ticket price €5 pp . After tour you can join us for a drink & bite at the Jägerhof/Golan .

Oktober 26, 2023: 
AEFA invited by Italian Ambassador to attend 100 Anniversary of Italian Air Force at the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre at The Hague.

Oktober 29, 2023: 
AEFA invited for the Commemoration Ceremony Liberation Breda by Allied Polish First 1Armoured Divsion. 

November 8, 2023: 
Invited to meet Limburg Governor Emile Roemer re: Italian Presidential Award.

November 9, 2023:
AEFA invited for Ceremony of “Monument of Tolerance”.

 November 11,2023: 
AEFA invited Commemoration Ceremony War Cemetery Born at 4 PM.

November 11,2023: 
AEFA invited to attend and lay wreath at War Cemetery Nederweert.

 November 11,2023: AEFA invited at Remembrance Day at War Cemetery Brunssum

November 18,2023:  50 guests, Sold Out 
AEFA invited for Briefing and visit to the very unique compagny restoring WW2 & Classic  British & American Military Infantery Vehicles ( BAIV),Nederweert.
After the tour you are able to join us for a drink and/or lunch at the Huyskamer Daatjeshoeve (Zie

December 1, 2023: 
AEFA Invited for drink MG Staudenraus JFC DCOS OPS.

December 2, 2023: AEFA invited by Ambassador of India for “India Day” at Eindhoven.

December 12,2023: 
AEFA Invited for X-Mas event by Afdeling West Brabant Wapenbroeders

December 17, 2023 : 150 guests, Sold Out!
AEFA Family X-Mas “Ugly Sweater” event at Castle Terborgh, Schinnen from 3 -7 PM.
Musical performances by Singer Susanne  & Acapella group Route 66. Santa and Elf will visit us!
All inclusive  :€15 pp Adult, €10 Child ( younger 17 years). 

President Drs Arthur Philip LIEUWEN


Vice President Egid SCHOONBROOD

Vice President Support

Vice President Monique ZENDEN

Vice President Finance & memberships

Vice President Carolus de Rijck

Vice President Operations

CWO (ret) Etienne GOYENS

Chief Banner - Vaandeldrager

Vice President CPT (ret) Jos DEKKER

Vice President Wapenbroeders & Veterans.

Liaison Officer LCDR USCG Rich Sullivan

Liaison Officer US Coast Guard ACTEUR

Liaison Officer Lon Raets (B6)

Liaison Officer NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force, Geilenkirchen

Advisor COL USArmy John Auten

Advisor Military Matters Allied Force Command

July 11th, 2021 Family Cherry Picking meet & greet at Chateau de la Motte

July 11th, 2021 Family Cherry Picking meet & greet at Chateau de la Motte

On 11 july 2021, Our first -fully booked-“Back to Normal” family Cherry picking event with meet & greet drink at Chateau de la Motte, Groot Gelhem, Belgium.

Lees Meer  
August 28th, 2021 Family Grotto tour in Kanne with beer & cheese tasting

August 28th, 2021 Family Grotto tour in Kanne with beer & cheese tasting

On 28th August 2021 - our second outdoors event: the fully booked Family Grottotour with beertastings at Kanne, Belgium

Lees Meer  
Oktober 3rd, 2021 Family Boattrip Stevensweert on the Maas

Oktober 3rd, 2021 Family Boattrip Stevensweert on the Maas

On 3rd Oktober 2021, Our third Outdoors event: the family boattrip by Arcade exploring the border river Maas. Boarding at the former Spanish Stronghold Stevensweerd.

Lees Meer  
November 6th, 2021 Briefing General Jörg Vollmer and US Chargé d’Affaires Marja Verloop.

November 6th, 2021 Briefing General Jörg Vollmer and US Chargé d’Affaires Marja Verloop.

On 6th November 2021 our first indoors event : the fully booked USA /NATO briefings by US Chargé d’Affaires Ms Marja Verloop and Commander Joint Allied Command General Jörg Vollmer at the Rococo Library, Rolduc, Kerkrade .

Lees Meer