Activities image
Key Activities to build, establish & strengthening friendship ties

The "America Europe Friendship Association - AEFA organizes :
1. “get2gether” events, such as family boattrips, family excursions, visits to the grotto’s, epic castles, Butler Academy ;

2.  informative briefings events:
such as the planned Briefing event “NATO Future Challenges” at Townhall Margraten on November 22nd 2024;

3. Biannual Allied Memorial Dinner event at the Pastory on May 25th 2025; 

4. Annual X-Mas event, such as the Ugly XMas Sweater event on December 15, 2024 at Castle Terborgh;

5 . To participate in 15 commemoration ceremonies, such Memorial Day, Liberation Thorn, Poppy Day etc
If interested to join our AEFA delegation and/or present a wreath, please send a PM to Vice President Operations Mr Carolus de Rijck

For further information about our events: see next page Events Calendar!

AEFA offers you access to a privileged AEFA Facebook Page/Website, which keeps you daily informed about new members joining, events, commemoration ceremonies, visits etc. The FB page also includes a gallery of pics!

Interested in joining an interesting, fun and international organization?
Membership costs are limited to €25 per person. Paid once. Dependant children are included in adult membership.
AEFA Bank Account:
BIC code: INGB NL 2
 IBAN number NL48 INGB 0008 1990 51 
There is no annual membership fee . All activities are voluntary and are charged at cost price.
Please complete one registration form per person! So for example a couple : complete two registration forms.

To JOIN use link ( below)
If you need assistance or help please contact mrs Monique Zenden, Vice President Membership.

Link Registration ;AEFA Registration