Promote, stimulate, build and strengthen the cross border Social, Cultural and Friendly ties between the citizens of America, Europe and the Netherlands, in particularly EUR Region;
Promote, stimulate and build Friendly, Mutual Relations and Cooperation with like minded Organizations, Institutions and Networks that have related objectives;
To promote a better understanding of and appreciation for the core activities of Alliancies and International organizations such as the United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU) concerning Security, Stability, Freedom, Democracy and Peace,
Working towards lasting Honoring and Commemorating Allied fallen, Allied Veterans and Victims in a dignified and respectful manner (Lest We NEVER Forget);
To Serve as a Platform: sharing information & experiences, Interrelationships, Activities, Gatherings and Informative Briefings to promote and to strengthen Mutual Understanding, Simularities, Cooperation, Comradery and Friendship.